Trading conditions B2B is operated by AP-Production Aps, Tranegårdsvej 29, 2900 Hellerup - Cvr no. 38183311 - telephone 20771400
Note that all prices are ex. VAT and in Danish kroner where nothing else is mentioned, we offer 14 days credit and send an invoice at the same time as the goods are sent from our warehouse, please comply with our payment terms.
Please also note that we require you to be VAT registered and therefore have a CVR No.
Minimum order for first order EUR 466,- excl. VAT
No minimum when re-ordering
14 days net from delivery.
Delivery :
We ship your goods the same day as we receive your order, if possible.
Shipping :
We use Postdanmark for all our shipments and postage is added according to applicable rates and freight is adjusted on the invoice when invoicing.
If you want help, contact us on phone +45 20771400 or email
Kind regards